My VIDA Sales in November 2020

13 sales on Vida during November 2020. It does really work out great!  

Hey, that’s my Pic: BBC Serbia

Ha, you might remember this happy post from earlier this month: My EyeEm Sales in November 2020 and guess what?  Copytrack has found the sold vintage Sauerland photo on BBC Serbia! We do feel honored! My husband thought I was crazy for uploading those old photos from the 1950s to EyeEm / Getty Images. MUHAHAHAAAAAA 😜😜😜Continue reading “Hey, that’s my Pic: BBC Serbia”

My Amazon Merch Sales in November 2020

Amazon Merch is slowly picking up pace after a complete halt during the Corona spring and summer. I have sold a total of six items (including France and Spain!) and hope there will be no return: