My Recent Zazzle Sales (2013, Week 3)

You can definitely see my lack of time for promoting my shop and even more my lack of time for designing new products for my Zazzle store. I have only sold five items during the last week. If you compare that to the sales in the last quarter of 2012, it is almost miserable *lol*Continue reading “My Recent Zazzle Sales (2013, Week 3)”

My Zazzle Sales 2013-02

Doing these posts daily has become too time consuming and Triond keeps declining my posts. So I will temporarily switch to weekly posts until I have gained more free time. The first edition for CW (calendar week) 2 will include sales from the last two weeks. Eventually, I will probably stop posting these to TriondContinue reading “My Zazzle Sales 2013-02”

My Zazzle Sale 2013-01-02 (Santa Monica Pier Tee)

After a very long time, I have sold another t-shirt. It is not easy to sell t-shirts on Zazzle, I think. At least for me… and I can’t remember every selling a shirt that had a photo on it. I had sold a few shirts with phrases and text on them but can’t recall anyContinue reading “My Zazzle Sale 2013-01-02 (Santa Monica Pier Tee)”

My Zazzle Sales 2012-12-30 iPad Folio Cover and Bumper Sticker

I know, I am waaaaay behind in posting these updates. I promise to be better! I am so behind, it is a pain in my behind. I am sorry but I am extremely busy at work at the moment and need to concentrate on that prior to my online earnings. After all, my online earningsContinue reading “My Zazzle Sales 2012-12-30 iPad Folio Cover and Bumper Sticker”

My Zazzle Sale 2012-12-21 (Painted Ladies in San Francisco (Tilt & Shift) Ornament)

Another day, another sale. This time, it’s an ornament! Until a few weeks ago, I thought I would never ever sell any Christmas tree ornaments on Zazzle. But just before Christmas, I have sold quite a few of them and it makes me really proud that people want to decorate their trees with out photosContinue reading “My Zazzle Sale 2012-12-21 (Painted Ladies in San Francisco (Tilt & Shift) Ornament)”