Pre-Order iPhone 6 Cases now

Zazzle has started to create and sell cases for the new upcoming iPhone 6. Pre-order a unique case today and have it delivered just in time to protect your new Apple gadget. Here are some very beautiful designs for you to consider: Skull 1 iPhone 6 case by ikiiki Shop here for iPhone 6 CasesContinue reading “Pre-Order iPhone 6 Cases now”

My recent Zazzle Sales: June 2014

June 2014 was the beginning of an awesome Zazzle summer. It’s August now and I have just received my third consecutive payment (>€50!) and will receive a fourth one in September. I am pretty excited about my sudden breakthrough success. Zazzle has always been my most successful POD website but this summer definitely tops everything.Continue reading “My recent Zazzle Sales: June 2014”

My recent Cafepress Sales: July 2014

Yay, I seem to improve my Cafepress sales to an average of one item per month. It is pretty ridiculous compared to my Zazzle earnings but better than nothing. During July 2014 I was able to sell one smartphone case, here it is: This sale earned me $2, not too bad either. I am alwaysContinue reading “My recent Cafepress Sales: July 2014”

My Recent theKase Sales: June and July 2014

June and July 2014 had been pretty average months on theKase. I mean, I did have better months but at least I have sold 7 (in June) and 4 (in July) cases. Not too bad although I would really love to sell a bit more since I have not yet reached the cashout limit forContinue reading “My Recent theKase Sales: June and July 2014”

Zazzle’s new “Double-check your design areas” too intrusive?

Mhh… is anyone else slightly annoyed by this new “Double-check your design areas” feature on some cases and envelopes? Ok, we need to check spelling and whether the image is big enough but PLEASE why on our own quick create products? It gets annoying when I have to click “ok” 20 times just because IContinue reading “Zazzle’s new “Double-check your design areas” too intrusive?”