Zazzle Shop Showcase: MehrFarbeImLeben

“Mehr Farbe im Leben” (“more color in life”) is Claudia’s motto. Her beautiful designs are anything but boring. They are all very colorful. I have created a Polyvore board with some of her products so that you can see some of her work: Polyvore board removed due to Polyvore having been shut down. You canContinue reading “Zazzle Shop Showcase: MehrFarbeImLeben”

Santa Monica Pier Wallet Cases for your iPhone 6

Zazzle is one of the few print-on-demand websites where you can buy customized wallet cases. Here is what Zazzle is saying about these smartphone cases: Form Factor: iPhone 6 Wallet Case Customize a wallet case – a stylish, protective phone case and wallet all in one! The case is made to fit your most essentialContinue reading “Santa Monica Pier Wallet Cases for your iPhone 6”

Cowcow is a disappointment so far… any objections?

Over 1 year ago I had signed up with – one of many print-on-demand websites out there that let you open a shop, upload your designs and sell your products. Within this year, I have uploaded over 100 of my best photos and digital art and guess what? I had ONE sale. Yes, ONE.Continue reading “Cowcow is a disappointment so far… any objections?”

Girly iPhone 6 Cases from Zazzle

Looking for a girly case for your iPhone 6 or iPhone 6 Plus from Zazzle? Check these out to protect your smartphone: Blue and Purple Seattle Bokeh Hearts Tough iPhone 6 Case by stineshop Browse for iPhone 6 Cases at Zazzle Festive Christmas Pier iPhone 6 Case by stineshop View more Festive santa monica pierContinue reading “Girly iPhone 6 Cases from Zazzle”

Automate (almost) everything with IFTTT

IFTTT ist probably the most useful site on the internet when it comes to automating tasks. Do you sometimes wonder how people can manage Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and their blogs when there are only 24 hours in a day? IFTTT can do all that tedious work for you and best of all: IFTTT is FREEContinue reading “Automate (almost) everything with IFTTT”