My Recent Zazzle Sales (2013, Week 35)

35th calendar week of 2013 was another average week full of sales on Zazzle for me, myself and I 🙂 I was able to sell 4 products. Not much but none of them got cancelled and they are all green (paid). Perfect!

Here are the four products I have managed to sell:

Greetings from the Baths, British Virgin Islands Postcards
Greetings from the Baths, British Virgin Islands Postcards by stineshop
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This has become a pretty popular postcard and I am planning on doing more of this “collage” style for other parts of the world. It seems to pay off!

I love Aruba - One happy Island Post Card
I love Aruba – One happy Island Post Card by stineshop
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This is also a repeated sale of this postcard. It has also become pretty popular among Zazzle, especially for Americans. It is a unique design!

This is a slightly photo edited version of a photo we took back in 2003. It was not really a good photo because of foggy weather but the crisp effect turned it out to be unique and that’s what customers on Zazzle seem to cherish!

As this is the third postcard sale during this week, you can see that I did not really earn much during that week. Maybe $1, mainly because of the fourth sale being more expensive than a card:

This is a popular car bumper sticker in Germany. I am pleased that it is also a repeated sale!

Published by Christine aka stine1

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